
Saint Joseph Catholic Community


St. Joseph Catholic Church assists in providing affiliation relationship building opportunities with organizations in the community that share our Christian values.  Please call the church office at 312-727-1565 for further information about any of the following groups.  Thank you!

Boy Scouts/Cub ScoutsMeetings for the various groups are held weekly. Typically Tuesday evenings. 

St. Vincent De Paul Society- This ministry assists the poor in the community with food, rent, and utility stipends when possible.

Rosary Makers- This ministry helps spread devotion to the rosary by assembling rosaries and providing them to the missions and others who need them.

Knights of Columbus Council #7408: The world's largest organization of Catholic men, 18 years and older, dedicating volunteer service to the Catholic Church, community projects, and youth programs. The Knights of Columbus offers an opportunity for fellowship with people who share their same beliefs and who recognize the same duty to God, family, and country. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at the Knights of Columbus Hall on 6725 Babcock Street.

Ladies Auxiliary Knights of Columbus Council #7408: Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 11:30 am and the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm at the Knights of Colombus Hall located at 6725 Babcock St. Malabar, FL 

Religious Article Store: Located on the left hand side of the main entrance area of St. Joseph Church.  Rosaries and other devotional Catholic gift items are available for purchase. The store is open before and after every weekend Mass.