Liturgical Ministries

Here at St. Joseph Church, we are blessed to have volunteers who feel called to serve our parish through the gift of liturgical ministries. 

Training will be provided, along with any other criteria for that specific ministry. For example, fingerprinting/background check in accord with the Diocese of Orlando, or Diocesan training session/mandate.

We have the following ministries you can volunteer for:

  • Adoration
    • Adoration takes place on Thursdays after the 8:30 am mass, and concludes after Benediction (4:45 pm) at 5:00 pm. 
  •  Altar Server (Must be in 3rd grade or older)
    • Altar serves are needed at all Weekend masses, as well as special masses, such as Confirmation, First Communion, Holy Week, etc. Our altar servers help serve in the sanctuary and assist the priest and deacons in the mass.
  •  Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 
    • A mandate would need to be completed and signed, which can be found at, along with a diocesan training session, and parish training session. Our EMHC's assist the priest and deacons in distributing the most precious body and blood of our Lord.
  •  Lectoring
    • Lectors are needed at all week day and weekend masses, as well as special masses, such as Holy Week, Holy Days of Obligation, etc. Our lectors help to proclaim the word of God to all who are present.
  •  Sacristans
    • Sacristans are needed  at all week day and weekend masses, as well as special masses/occasions. There is a schedule/calendar that gets put together once you have been trained. our sacristans help prepare us for the reception of communion, as well as clean up the precious vessels. 
  •  Ushers
    • Ushers are needed at all weekend masses, as well as special masses/occasions. Ushers help with mass count, collection, communion, and distribution of bulletins. Our ushers make sure everything runs smoothly!
  •  Welcoming
    • Welcome parishioners and visitors to our church, answer any questions about location of restrooms, etc. And most of all, help to make everyone feel welcome!
  • Flowers/Decor
    • Flowers and decor help are much appreciated, especially for certain liturgical seasons, special days, etc. If you have a gift for flower bouquets, or decor, please join !